CCI Complaints Procedures

Complaints against CCI applicants, candidates, or credential holders

CCI investigates complaints that identify violations to the CCI Code of Ethics. Complaints about CCI applicants, candidates, or credential holders are handled according to CCI’s Policy 10- Ethics and Disciplinary Policy Section II.

CCI will consider anonymous complaints, however, requests that you identify yourself by name, address, e-mail address and telephone number. The CCI may contact complainants for additional information or clarification if necessary.

All parties will be informed of the outcome of the complaint or any decisions made by CCI.

Complaints against CCI

CCI is interested in the continued improvement and sustained quality of all aspects of its operations. The purpose of the complaints procedure is to provide an efficient, fair and accessible process for responding to and resolving complaints from CCI’s constituency.

Notification of Complaint
CCI will receive verbal, written, or email complaints regarding any aspect of the CCI operations. Complaints must include:

  • specifics regarding the basis of the complaint,
  • name of the complainant,
  • relevant supporting documentation
  • and contact information for the complainant.

CCI will consider anonymous complaints, however, requests that you identify yourself by name, address, e-mail address and telephone number. The CCI may contact complainants for additional information or clarification if necessary.

Submission of complaints against CCI can be submitted the following ways:


CCI-Complaints Review
3739 National Drive
Suite 202
Raleigh, NC 27612

1-800-326-0268 or (919) 861-4539 to CCI Executive Director

CCI staff will conduct the initial review of all complaints to determine if the complaint is valid and actionable.

Response to complaints against CCI

All complaints will be responded to in writing within ten (10) business days of receipt regarding the initial review and any action taken as a result of the complaint. The appropriate CCI staff shall attempt to resolve, informally, the complaint of the appellant.

If CCI staff is unable to informally resolve the complaint, it shall defer to the CCI Appeals Committee. The Appeals Committee shall render its decision in writing within thirty (30) calendar days of notifying the appellant that it has gone on to them for review. The Committee's decision is based upon a preponderance of the evidence, stating its findings of fact and conclusions, with reasons therefore and citing the evidence. The decision of the Appeals Committee shall be binding and final on all concerned.