All applicants must meet the following criteria:
- Have a high school diploma or general education diploma at the time of application.
- Fulfill one (1) of the qualifications of the exam for which you are applying. See qualifications listed in the tables below.
- Provide typed documentation to support the qualification prerequisite under which you are applying. Required documentation for each qualification is listed below. CCI reserves the right to request additional information.
Qualification Prerequisite (All applicants must fulfill one of the following) |
Supporting Documentation |
Two years of full-time or full-time equivalent work experience in diagnostic and interventional cardiac electrophysiology. (It is anticipated, but NOT required that the successful candidate will have participated in a minimum of 200 diagnostic/ interventional cardiac electrophysiology procedures and 300 device implants at the time of application.)
It is recommended, but not a requirement, that the applicant have experience in the following areas:
- Diagnostic/Interventional Procedures
- Advanced Mapping
- Device Implants (pacemaker, ICD, and CRT)
Employment Verification Letter
A graduate of a certificate or degree granting program or post-secondary educational program in a health science (includes, but not limited to, cardiovascular technology, ultrasound, radiologic technology, respiratory therapy, nursing or paramedic/EMT)
One year full-time work experience in electrophysiology
It is anticipated, but NOT required that the successful candidate will have participated in a minimum of 200 diagnostic/ interventional cardiac electrophysiology procedures and 300 device implants at the time of application in their career which is defined as work experience and/or clinical experience gained during a formal educational program.
It is recommended, but not a requirement, that the applicant have experience in the following areas:
- Diagnostic/Interventional Procedures
- Advanced Mapping
- Device Implants (pacemaker, ICD and CRT)
Completion certificate and/or educational transcript
Employment Verification Letter
One year work experience must occur after graduation from a health science program. Time spent in an externship that is part of a formal education program would not count towards the one year work experience requirement.
A graduate of a NON-programmatically accredited program in electrophysiology which has a minimum of one year of specialty training and includes a minimum of 800 clinical hours in the specialty in which the examination is being requested.
IMPORTANT: If an individual’s clinical hours were completed after graduation or if the hours are not a requirement for their educational program, then those hours WOULD NOT count toward the 800-hour minimum under qualification RCES5. All clinical hours must be earned in a setting in which patients are being tested or medically treated.
Completion certificate and/or educational transcript
Student Verification Letter
Clinical Experience Letter
Students applying to take examination prior to graduation will be required to submit this documentation
Applicant must be a graduate of a programmatically accredited* program in electrophysiology.
Completion certificate and/or educational transcript
Student Verification Letter
Students applying to take examination prior to graduation will be required to submit this documentation
* An accredited program is accredited by an agency recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA), United States Department of Education (USDOE), or Canadian Medical Association (CMA) that specifically conducts programmatic accreditation for cardiovascular technology, diagnostic cardiac sonography, or vascular technology.
**CCI now accepts employment verification for clinical industry employed allied health professionals (IEAHPs) who participate in cardiac electrophysiology, cardiac device, and device related procedures under the direct supervision of a physician.